October has come and gone already too. I took the girls to the pumpkin patch one afternoon and they had a blast. It's definitely something I want to continue to do with them every year, it never gets old. I can hardly wait till Makayla's old enough to run around there and I can just let the 2 of them run wild.
Jaclyn is now finally potty trained. It is such a huge relief and Jaclyn loves wearing her big girl panties everyday and it's a huge ordeal in the morning when she gets to pick out which pair she is going to wear that day. Makayla is growing like a weed too. I can't believe that she is going to be 3 months old aready tomorrow (Nov 13) time sure is flying by. She is on bottles completely now, talks, smiles and coos up a storm for us and she sleeps right through the night and has been for a few weeks now. I sure am blessed in that department ... the girls must know how cranky their Mom gets without much sleep .. lol
Jaclyn turned 3 last Friday, I can't believe it!!!! She is no longer my baby girl and has turned into my big girl before my very eyes. It's so hard to believe that she is going to be starting preschool already next year. Seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital having her.
Well that's about it for now and I promise to keep the blog updated more often :)